10 Simple Exercises to Strengthen and Tone Your Arms
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new you keto make it through are then quickly turned into as long as you don't have an insanely high sugar you can have folks that absorb those are those fats and they just have a very tiny blip of production because of what's happening in their liver and when you look closer that and on the inside is your immune system this is the part that's triggering and anything that comes through that body is supposed to trigger your immune system what is powerful is when you have circulating it does something different this is one of my slides that I talked about in leaky gut which I don't like that term but leaky gut refers to the spaces that happen in a Supra tiny microscopic way these cells are not tight together those tight junctions are almost wiggling free and things like bacteria and food antigens get through and they get to the other side of these cells and what happens is your plasma cell comes over registers hey what is this why are you on the inside how did you get past the defense system this activates your plasma cells and turns on these things called cytokines cytokines are inflammatory they're swelling they are recruiting any white blood cell to come along and say hey guys we have an invader and when you have in circulation that process becomes more efficient less swelling less time spent where they're not actually taking care of the problem they're just reacting with lots of enzymes when you look at folks with some of the worst bowel problems it's because their cytokine a specific specifically the alpha is so high that they can't repair cells they can't fight off cancers that are in their body and the amount of invading problems coming in just keeps rising
new you keto diet efficiently so when cancer is the the problem that that a pop core apoptosis the a pop taught excel death is what's broken the cell that's all gnarly inside that's not normal that's cancerous will not die and part of the guy who's telling it to die is this alpha he's also the signal that says hey stop eating hey if you have infection I want that fever response to be right now I want the body to respond so alpha can get a bad name but it really is one of the important fellas that if you don't know what happens if the doesn't know that the invaders are coming and send out the signal correctly things like this happen Alzheimer's cancer depression psoriasis inflammatory bowel disease there's a much bigger list but some of those are very prominent in their alpha is not working right and when you swallow your alpha starts to work more efficiently so as I look at some of the unspoken problems that got or unspoken celebrations that got better with Graham one of them was her immune system handles infection brilliantly and she's had cancer of the white blood cells you could still make the argument that cancer still lives in her white blood cells it's just that her good white blood cells the ones without cancer are ruling her body they dominate alright so we've talked about your fat cells we've talked about those immune cells I am gonna go off-topic just a little bit I I think some of you know that I have a foreign exchange student who is in my house for the last two years she's from China and her parents are in one of the neighboring cities where this in China has had an outbreak everybody is asked to stay in their homes I would actually I would ask you to pray that there they are protected that the people of China are protected and that this virus dies but specifically I said to my